1974年的《CQ9电子》, 经修订(亦称FERPA), 列出有关学生档案私隐的要求. FERPA governs the release of records maintained by educational institutions and access to 这些记录. 本公告,刊登于 大学目录,作为学生根据FERPA所享有权利的年度通知. 有关FERPA或任何与之相关的大学政策的问题,可直接向 注册处. 教育记录的定义 “教育记录”的含义是, 有下列某些例外情况, 这些记录, 文件, 文档, 以及其他包含与学生直接相关信息的材料, 并由大学的任何雇员或代理人保管. The following categories of information are exempted and are not considered to be “education records:”

  • Records made by College personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any other person.
  • 校园安全部门为执法目的而保存的记录.
  • 仅用于治疗的医疗和咨询记录. (医疗记录可以由学生选择的医生亲自审阅.)
  • 仅与前学生有关的记录(校友记录). Records of that individual while a student continue to be considered education records.

Note: All records pertaining to students which are maintained by College offices are official College records, 因此, 仍然是学院的财产. 检查复核权 学生有权检查和审查他们所有的教育记录, 但以下情况除外:

  • 父母财务记录.
  • Confidential letters and statements of recommendations placed in education records prior to January 1, 1975.
  • 录取的保密信件和推荐声明, 就业, 或在1月1日之后在教育记录中放置的荣誉认可, 1975, 学生们已经放弃了进入的权利.

放弃访问权 Students may waive their right of access to confidential letters and statements of recommendation. 即使学生签了弃权书, 要求, 将提供提出保密建议的所有人员的姓名. Employees or agents of the College may not require a student to waive his or her right of access for receipt of College benefits or services. 检查和评审程序

  • 要求审查记录必须向注册办公室提出. 根据法律规定,监察厅有45天的时间对审查和检查请求作出回应. 不过,将尽快作出安排. Information contained in education records will be fully explained and interpreted to students by College personnel assigned to, 并由, 注册主任.
  • 学生只有查阅自己成绩的权利. 当一条记录包含不止一个学生的信息时, 披露不得包括有关其他学生的信息。.

对记录中的信息提出质疑的权利 Students have the right to challenge the content of their education records if they consider the information contained therein to be inaccurate, 误导, 或不适当的. This process includes an opportunity for amendment of the records or insertion of written explanations by the student into such records. Note: The right to challenge grades does not apply under the Act unless the grade assigned was inaccurately recorded, 在这种情况下,记录将被更正. 质疑记录的聆讯程序 对其记录中的信息提出质疑的学生必须提交, 以书面形式, 向注册办公室提出举行听证会的请求, 列出有问题的具体信息和挑战的原因.

  • 听证会将由书记官长主持. Students shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the reasons for the challenge, 如项目5所述.
  • 书记官长将作出决定, 以书面形式, noting the reason and summarizing all evidence presented within 10 days after the challenge is filed.
  • Should the hearing be in favor of the student, the record shall be amended accordingly. 这个请求应该被拒绝吗, 可提出上诉, 以书面形式, 并根据社区指南中的申诉程序提交.
  • 如果上诉对学生有利,记录应相应修改. 这个请求应该被拒绝吗, the student may choose to place a statement with the record commenting on the accuracy of the information in the record and/or setting forth any basis for inaccuracy. 当向授权方披露时, the record will always include the student’s statement and notice of the Board’s decision, 只要学生的记录由学院保存.

须获得释放同意书 Consent must be obtained from a student for the release of information from education records, 指定要释放的内容, 释放的原因, 对谁说, 如果他或她需要,请将记录副本寄给学生. 未经同意释放 有关同意的规定不适用于下列情况:

  • Requests from faculty and staff of CQ9电子 who have a legitimate educational interest on a “need to know” basis, 包括该机构的学生雇员或代理人, 必要时办理公务, 由书院教务处授权. Legitimate educational interest includes performing a task related to the regular duties of the employee or agent, 学生的教育, 纪律:学生的纪律, 为学生提供的服务或福利, 或维护校园安全.
  • 符合合法传票或司法命令的请求.
  • 与学生申请或收到经济援助有关的要求.
  • Requests by State authorities and agencies specifically exempted from the prior consent requirements by the Act–organizations conducting studies on behalf of the College, if such studies do not permit the personal identification of students to any persons other than to representatives of such organizations and if the personal identification data is destroyed when no longer needed.
  • 提交给认证组织的信息.
  • The College may release information in response to requests by 父母 of a dependent student, 根据1954年《CQ9电子》第152条的定义.
  • 在紧急情况下, the College may release information from education records to appropriate persons in connection with an emergency, if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other persons. To authorized federal officials who have need to audit and evaluate federally-supported programs.
  • The results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the College against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence to the alleged victim of that crime.
  • 请求“目录信息”(见第9项).

Note: The College reserves the right to verify the accuracy of any information contained in what purports to be an official College document (e.g.(成绩单或文凭)或提供给第三方的信息. 除了, 学位(任何荣誉), 专业, minors and specializations) are considered public information since they are conferred in a public ceremony. 目录信息 CQ9电子, 根据该法, has designated the following information about students as public (directory) information:

  • 名字
  • 地址(本地、家庭和电子邮件)
  • 生日
  • 照片(静态和视频)
  • 电话(本地和家庭)
  • 学习计划(包括招生划分、专业划分、校区划分)
  • 注册状态(e).g.(全职、兼职、退休)
  • 出席日期
  • 荣誉授予
  • 曾就读的教育机构或机构
  • 参加官方认可的活动和体育运动
  • 校际运动队成员的体重和身高
  • 潜在的毕业生(毕业生)和参加毕业典礼的学生

Students have the right to have this directory information withheld from the public if they so desire. Each student who wants all directory information to be withheld must notify the 注册处 以书面形式 by filling out the Stop Release Form. 应预留最少10天时间处理这些要求. The College receives many inquiries for “directory information” from a variety of sources, 包括朋友, 父母, 亲戚, 未来的雇主, 其他高等教育机构, 荣誉的社会, 授权机构, 政府机构, 新闻媒体. Each student is advised to carefully consider the consequences of a decision to withhold “directory information.“学院, 诚心诚意, 将不发布目录信息要求保留, and any requests from persons or organizations outside the College will be refused unless the student provides written consent for the release. 投诉、关注或建议 Any student who has reason to believe that the College is not complying with the Act or this policy should inform 注册主任 以书面形式. 书记官长应迅速审查所有这类指控.



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